What's the full form of AM and PMAM: Anti Meridiem, PM: Publish MeridiemAM and PM each are Latin phrases, utilized in 12-hour clock system to represent Earlier than Noon and After Noon respectively. They're additionally represented as A.M. and P.M.AM increase as Anti Meridiem which means "earlier than noon" and PM increase as Publish Meridiem which means "after noon".They're used to differentiate the time in day and night time within the 12-hour time zone. They divide the 24 hours of a day into two time zones lasting 12 hours every. The primary 12-hour length runs from midnight to midday (12 am to 12 pm) and is designated by am. The second 12-hour length runs from midday to midnight (12pm to 12 am) and designated by pm. So, the numbers from 1 to 12 adopted by am or pm are used to determine all 24 hours of the 12-hour clock system.
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